6 servingsMarinate
24 Hrs Active Time
10 MinsLet’s be real, the real star of Tapa King isn’t their King—it’s the sweet and spicy Tapa Queen. This recipe hacks the perfect ratio of chili to sugar to make your tapa taste exactly like it. Serve with garlic fried rice and atchara.
- 1 kg beef sirloin, tapa cut
- ½ cup soy sauce
- 1 tsp meat tenderizer, optional
- ⅓ cup brown sugar
- 3–5 bird’s eye chilies, chopped
- ¼ cup crushed garlic cloves
- ground black pepper
- neutral oil, for cooking
Combine soy sauce, tenderizer, brown sugar, chili, garlic, and black pepper in a mixing bowl. Add beef and chill in the fridge, covered, to marinate overnight.
Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Add beef slices in batches and cook until seared and nicely browned on both sides. Serve with garlic rice, fried egg, and atchara.